Attendance Schedule
Please email or call in an absence in order for it to be verified(AV). For an absence to be coded MEDICAL, we need a doctor’s note within 5 days. Chronically Absent = missing 10% or more of school.
Students are tardy if they are not in their classroom when the bell rings. Three tardies or early check out will be equal to (1) unexcused absence in individual classes each semester.
It is important that all students get to school and class on time. If a student has habitual tardiness, a principal will be in contact with the student and assign lunch detention.
Checking Out
Only a student’s parent/guardian or their designee may check a student out of school once he/she has arrived at school.
Parents/guardians must come into the school's main office to check a student and present a photo ID at the time of check out. Students will not be allowed to bring a note and wait outside.
All student check-outs at the end of the day must occur by 2:45 p.m. to not interfere with end-of-the-day dismissal procedures.
Report an Absence
Please include the student's first and last name, teacher's name and reason for absence in the email.